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Southwest Airlines Community

Count Bagula Haunts This Halloween...

Explorer C

"It's the fall of 2009 and bag fees are reaching new heights all across the nation. Business travelers in Philadelphia report feeling haunted by a mysterious figure wearing a dark cloak and wielding a dangerous device resembling a calculator. Two detectives are summoned to interview the victims: a mummified corporate travel manager, an unlucky executive with last-minute travel plans and a tingling sensation in her neck, and a businessman whose legs meet a fate unfit to print. Before long, our detectives are just two steps behind crafty characters you'd never want to see behind airport ticket counters..."


Southwest's PHL Team

Padrum Panbechi as Count Bagula**

Angie Russell as Saveea Mony

**flights operated by regional partner Count Bagula Express

Costume Suggestions for our readers:

Count Bagula -- vampire cape; fangs; face paint; lanyard and ID badge; a large calculator; expense report receipts; spider webbing and smaller clothing sizes (for Express version of costume)

Agent Crone or Detective -- hat; tie; suspenders; trench coat; sketch pad; soft pretzel; cell phone; pack of Southwest peanuts worn around your neck.

We dedicate this star-studded film (and costume suggestions) to travelers everywhere seeking protection from Count Bagula.


Any other costume ideas?! Thanks and Happy Halloween!!!