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Southwest Airlines Community

I’m Ready For My Close-Up

Frequent Flyer B
[asset|aid=329|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall_0.gif|width=180|height=179|resizable=true|align=right]Have you ever spotted a Southwest aircraft in a TV show or movie? This is no accident. Southwest’s Marketing and Communications teams spend part of their time making sure that when our planes and Employees are shown in TV and film that we are represented properly and that our brand is well represented. After all, it is a very valuable brand and we don’t want to be associated with just every project!

This episode of Red Belly Radio is an interview with Ashley Dillon from Communications, a member of our Branded Entertainment team. She helps make sure that when a Southwest jet is in a movie, that everything goes smoothly with the production company. For instance the forthcoming movie Going the Distance starring Drew Barrymore and Justin Long is about a long-distance relationship. And what better way to maintain a relationship of this nature than with frequent flights on Southwest Airlines?