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Going Green: Have a Spooooky Green Halloween!

Adventurer B

What’s Halloween without costumes, decorations, and lots of candy?  You definitely need all those things to create a fun-filled day, but how about making it Green, too!  Below are some fun tips and tricks:

  1. Make a fun, recycled costume.  Check out the retro fashion you know is hiding in the back of your closet or at the local thrift stores.  Not only will the costume help reduce, reuse, and recycle, but it’ll also be one-of-a-kind.  You’re only limited by your imagination!  For example, our friends at suggest stringing together old ping pong balls for a realistic Wilma Flinstone necklace.
  2. Skip the plastic bag.  To haul home all the great candy your kids will receive, use a reusable bag.  You can create your own out of an old pillowcase, or buy a plain canvas bag that the kids can decorate.  It’s a great way to cut down on non-reusable materials and it will be something they will use and treasure for years to come.
  3. Go natural.  Look for a local farmer’s market from which to buy your pumpkin – keep it local.  Also, try using soy candles to illuminate those jack ‘o lanterns.  Soy candles burn longer and are made from renewable soy bean crops.
  4. Be crazy.  Instead of candy, go way out of the box and give away seed packets or organic dried fruit. The kids probably won’t appreciate it too much, but the Earth will, and maybe the parents, too.

Let us know how you plan to have a safe, spooky, and Green Halloween by commenting below.  Have a tip for Green Tuesday?  You can also let us know in the comments section!

DING!  You are now free to be Green.