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Southwest Airlines Community

Nonstop flight from ATL to PHL

Explorer C
I fly between PHL and ATL frequently these days. There is a very convenient flight from PHL to ATL on Monday morning. It leaves PHL at 7:05 AM reaching ATL at 9:10 AM. But the return leg does not have any convenient non-stops leaving ATL anywhere between 4:30 and 6:00 PM. The only nonstop that SouthWest has leaves ATL around 10 PM reaching PHL around 11:55 PM. That being said, even the stop over options are not convenient. And takes more than 5 hours rerouting via MDW. There is however one flight out of Nashville (BNA) leaving from there around 5:40 reaching PHL at 8:30 PM. But the connection from Atlanta leaves ATL at 5:50 PM reaching BNA by 5:45 local time. If a nonstop may not be easy will it be possible for Southwest to atleast consider moving the ATL to BNA flight up by 45 minutes, leaving ATL by 5:15 PM reaching BNA by 5:10 PM local time, so that we would be able to reach BNA with a 35 minutes to connect.

Re: Nonstop flight from ATL to PHL

Aviator A

@srijram1 wrote:
I fly between PHL and ATL frequently these days. There is a very convenient flight from PHL to ATL on Monday morning. It leaves PHL at 7:05 AM reaching ATL at 9:10 AM. But the return leg does not have any convenient non-stops leaving ATL anywhere between 4:30 and 6:00 PM. The only nonstop that SouthWest has leaves ATL around 10 PM reaching PHL around 11:55 PM. That being said, even the stop over options are not convenient. And takes more than 5 hours rerouting via MDW. There is however one flight out of Nashville (BNA) leaving from there around 5:40 reaching PHL at 8:30 PM. But the connection from Atlanta leaves ATL at 5:50 PM reaching BNA by 5:45 local time. If a nonstop may not be easy will it be possible for Southwest to atleast consider moving the ATL to BNA flight up by 45 minutes, leaving ATL by 5:15 PM reaching BNA by 5:10 PM local time, so that we would be able to reach BNA with a 35 minutes to connect.

If you are asking for Southwest to adjust the flight schedule, then you'll have to reach out to them directly by phone or email, perhaps Twitter (@SouthwestAir) to let them know what you'd be interested in.


I wouldn't get into the BNA business - just let them know that you would like a better connection between ATL and PHL in the evenings.



Home airport MDW, frequent visitor to MCO to see the mouse.