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Southwest Airlines Community

Who was that guy?

Explorer C

Ya know, all the recent hubbub surrounding passengers and the  air travel industry made us start thinking about a very cool & fun guy who  once was quoted as saying… “it is my practice to try to understand how valuable something is by trying to imagine myself without it”… OK, so we took a go at that…  What if we never had our SWair (wait would that sound out as, swear? We might need to rethink that)… 


We would never have had the opportunity to gloat… That’s right, to gloat over rival grandparents about an amazingly low airfare we discovered with our expertise, with our sheer power and superior intellect… (ya OK we used SWair’s flexible travel date tool… let’s just keep that between us, OK?)


We would never have had the flying flounders overhead… I mean who paints a gefilte fish on the side of an airplane (wait was that a fish…)?


We would never have experienced “Stonehenge” boarding. Really. Think about it…  As passengers how did we figure that out? Were we subliminally trained as we dozed in the gate waiting area? Was it inbred in all of us at the dawn of time to coalesce around metalesque upcroppings? We would have missed out on these important mysteries of air travel.


And we would have also missed out on all those bad jokes and terrible bits delivered by SWair’s  cabin crews. Once mid-flight, a crew member came to our seats and handed us a disconnected phone receiver saying “It’s for you”… and they walked away… and they never came back for it….. ever…..


So who was that guy who set us up for all of this? I’m thinking, I’m thinking…..




don't just get away, arrive somewhere essential, somewhere that stays inside long after you leave...