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Southwest Airlines Community

FCC Approves Row 44 In-Flight Wi-Fi

Frequent Flyer A

By W. David Gardner

In a development that is likely to heat up global competition to provide Wi-Fi on passenger aircraft, Row 44 reported Thursday that the Federal Communications Commission has granted it a permanent operating license to provide Internet service on planes.

The license, when combined with Row 44's existing agreements with the Mexican and Canadian governments, means the company will be able to provide its satellite-based Wi-Fi service throughout North America. The company also indicated it will offer its service in additional global markets.

"Ours is the first solution offering true broadband to airline passengers, both domestically and overseas, delivering an experience comparable to the high Internet speeds they enjoy at home and work," said Row 44 CEO John Guidon, in a statement.

Row 44, whose service has been tested by Alaska Airlines and Southwest Airlines, is supported by Hughes Network Systems, whose broadband satellite technology reaches many global markets.

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