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Southwest Airlines Community

Five minutes with Herb—the first Five

Frequent Flyer B
[asset|aid=240|format=image|formatter=asset|title=RBRiPodLogoSmall.gif|width=180|height=179|resizable=true|align=right]This episode of Red Belly Radio is of when I was recently lucky enough to be in the same room with Southwest Airlines founder and Chairman Emeritus Herb Kelleher.
I will be playing parts of this over the next several months so here’s the first installment. Questions answered include: Originally Southwest looked into flying the Lockheed Electra. What other aircraft did you look at initially for Southwest airlines before service began?   How did you stay so focused on the 737 and not experiment with larger aircraft—America west experimented with 747s to Japan, what was the discipline involved? And, as the traveling public expects more while paying less, while the world keeps changing, is it going to be harder for us to compete?
1 Comment
Explorer C
Just returned from a great golf trip with 18 guys from the old neighborhood, beautiful weather, great golf and the best, just spenting time with friends The place "The Grand Strand" - Myrtle Beach, SC. The only thing missing was my only airline, Southwest. Myrtle Beach should be the 70th airport destination. I would love to board from Islip via Baltimore to Myrtle Beach. Then perhaps the jet could go to Philly,Boston, and Nashville. Southwest could then offer all the great golf packages, and great people services.