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Southwest Airlines Community

Going Green: Celebrate Together in a Go-Green Way


With the heat of summer fading, it’s a great time to start planning get-togethers in the great outdoors. Some of the best memories of early fall involve spending time with family and friends, enjoying great weather and quality time together. 

Here are some ideas to add a green touch to any outdoor gathering:

  • Wherever the festivities take place, be sure to carpool. This is a great way to save on gas and be environmentally friendly. Not to mention, you’ll get a head start on spending quality time with your friends and family!
  • Bring reusable dishes and utensils to the event, and set the table with cloth napkins and tablecloths that can easily be washed afterwards instead of sent to a landfill.
  • When planning your menu, try and use as many locally-sourced items as possible. Hit up a local farmer’s market or co-op and see what tasty dishes you can make with ingredients offered there.
  • Make sure to recycle, compost, and dispose of trash and food scraps left behind. Appoint someone to do a final check on the party areas before you leave to make sure that the venue is as clean (or cleaner) than when you arrived.

Have a safe, FUN start to the fall season, and see how just how green you can make your celebrations!  How are you living green?  Let us know by commenting below or by e-mailing  DING!  You are now free to be green!