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Southwest Employee: You think it, I draw it

Frequent Flyer A

It started with an invitation to participate in an art show that would present works by couples on Valentine's Day. Two MICA alumni, Christina Ayala and John Morris, decided to give it a try, and a twist.

"I had been kicking around the idea of telepathy for a while," says the Georgia-born Morris, 35, an adjunct photography faculty member. "We wanted to see if we could create art using the telepathic process."

Ayala, 40, who works for Southwest Airlines (she's originally from Texas), met Morris when they were both students at MICA about a decade ago. She was focusing on drawing and painting, not mind-reading. But the idea they came up with for that collaborative show was for Morris to concentrate on a single image and have Ayala attempt to draw it.

to read more, visit:,0,4323460.story