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Southwest Airlines Community

What's Another Word For Thesaurus?

Frequent Flyer B
Among his many talents, Herb Kelleher is an etymologist (one who studies words). Most people would probably say someone like that “likes to use $10 words” but when you are smart enough to start a company like Southwest Airlines, you get to be known as whatever you want. So with Herb as inspiration, I will try to use as many etymologically challenging words in this brief blog.

I hope you find this post lucubrating, I certainly opine that it is. Herb is a lot of things, but one thing I especially love about him is that he is a gifted raconteur. He is more than capable of luculent text but I simply can’t pari passu with his story telling. I would not aver you to eschew other podcasts, but this episode of Red Belly Radio is anything but quiescent.

Two perspicacious Employees share three stories about one of my favorite people. Retired pilot Frank Wright and Flight Attendant (and part-time blogger) Carole Adams share some stories about our Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Herb Kelleher.
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